Trust in Talent

Talent Management Study 2018

Studie | 22. Januar 2018
Talent Management Study 2018

To what extent have companies today become aware of innovative approaches to talent management and how have they put these into effect? What does talent management look like in companies operating in today’s Europe? How do companies define the term “talent”? What constitutes good talent management, and where is there a need for improvement? How can talent management make a noticeably positive impact on a business? The aims of the present study of talent management involve finding answers to these questions, capturing the status and maturity level of European talent management in a targeted and discriminating way, identifying success factors and making specific recommendations for action to develop young employees. An on-line questionnaire was used to collect the views of 322 research subjects across Europe on the above issues. These included 204 employees in the HR area and the remaining 118 from the talent group (employees and management) in various companies.

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